SSIS Data Type SSIS Expression SQL Server single-byte signed integer (DT_I1) two-byte signed integer (DT_I2) smallint four-byte signed integer (DT_I4) int eight-byte signed integer (DT_I8) bigint single-byte unsigned integer (DT_UI1) tinyint two-byte unsigned integer (DT_UI2) four-byte unsigned integer (DT_UI4) eight-byte unsigned integer (DT_UI8) float (DT_R4) real double-precision float (DT_R8) float string (DT_STR, «length», «code_page») char, varchar Unicode text stream (DT_WSTR, «length») nchar, nvarchar, sql_variant, xml date (DT_DATE) date Boolean (DT_BOOL) bit numeric (DT_NUMERIC, «precision», «scale») decimal, numeric decimal (DT_DECIMAL, «scale») decimal currency (DT_CY) smallmoney, money unique identifier (DT_GUID) uniqueidentifier byte stream (DT_BYTES, «length») binary, varbinary, timestamp… Read more
Category: SSIS
SSIS Data Flow Tasks with Descriptions
S No Transformation Description 1 Aggregate Summing / Averaging a total of the products purchased by a customer online to produce the final amount. 2 Audit When you want to load audit information like (Created Date, UserName , server Name..etc) to your Destination table. 3 Character Map String Manipulation, like Lowercase, Uppercase etc.. 4 Conditional Split When you want to split your data to many destinations based on conditions. 5 Copy Column To have same column data with alias name 6 Data Conversion To convert the data type, (Unicode String àString…) 7 Data Mining Query Evaluating the input data against… Read more